
Showing posts from April, 2022

24*7 Curodoc Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

Keeping Seniors Safe In Summers - Curodoc Healthcare

  KEEPINGS SENIORS SAFE IN SUMMERS Summers can be an enjoyable weather for seniors where they can let their guards down and indulge in outdoor activities that can be relaxing for them. It is the best weather to enjoy a day at the beach or a picnic at the park with friends. While getting some essential vitamin D from the sun is important, with seniors there are always some risks involved. Keeping in mind their independence and their safety, here are some tips to keep in check before they leave home! Skin Care – Sun is without doubt the best natural source of vitamin D, but exposure to sun can take a toll on their skin. With age, their skin has become thin and delicate and sunburn is a cause of concern. When going outdoors, they should always use a sunscreen having at least 30 SPF or higher to prevent sunburns and heat marks. Comfortable Clothing – Summers mean wearing as less clothes as possible and yet keeping safe from suntans and sunburns, but feeling at ease and comfortable. ...

Home Isolation & Covid - Curodoc Healthcare

  HOME ISOLATION & COVID With increase in the number of daily cases, those who are having symptoms or test positive for COVID need to isolate for the required seven to fourteen day period in consideration with their symptoms. The best advice for those who test positive and who do or do not experience symptoms, self-isolation is the way to go. While you are isolating yourself at home, it is recommended that you follow some tips and tricks to keep yourself and other family members safe: Testing – Day 0, Day 5-7, and Day 14 Mask – Use N95 or surgical masks. Sanitization – Sanitize hands often, sanitize when you get home or to office. Distance – Avoid social gatherings and public places. Self Quarantine – All those who have been exposed to or have been within six feet of someone with a COVID positive diagnosis, even if for just 15 minutes, they should quarantine for five days irrespective of whether vaccinated or not. Self Isolation - People who are positive for...

Insomnia symptoms and causes

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it hard for people to fall asleep, or can also cause them to wake up early and not able to fall back sleep. You may still feel tired when you wake up.  Most cases are related to poor sleeping habits, stress, mental health disorders like depression and anxiety, physical illness, lack of exercise, chronic illness, effects of certain medications, or specific sleep disorders. Treatment for insomnia consists of improving sleep habits, behavior therapy and identifying and treating underlying causes. Sleeping pills may also be used, but should be monitored for side effects. Types of Insomnia There are two types of insomnia: primary and secondary. Primary means that the sleep problems are not linked to any other health condition or problem. Secondary means that there is trouble sleeping because of a health condition (like asthma, depression, arthritis, cancer, or heartburn) pain, medication, or substance use. Other variations in insomnia ...

Tips to Stay Healthy in Summer - Curodoc Healthcare

  TIPS TO STAY HEALTHY IN SUMMER Summer is a fun season but the beginning of summer can be stressful times. Now is the best time to start working on building healthy habits to keep well this summer season. Here are a few tips to stay healthy : 1. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables – Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables help you to detox, improve health, and keep your body weight under control. Fresh fruits and vegetables have an abundance of vitamins and minerals and can be consumed raw or made into delicious smoothies or salads. 2. Skin Care – Summer makes the skin oily. It is necessary to exfoliate your skin to remove the dead skin cells on the face, elbows, knees, and feet. 3. Moisturize, Inside Out – The summer heat does not only dehydrate you but it dehydrates the skin as well. It is vital to drink a lot of water to stay healthy. 4. Protect Yourself From The Sun – A good sun block is very necessary to help keep yourself hydrated. 5. Stay Active – We know that the heat...